The numbers from 0 to 10 in French
- 0 = zéro
- 1 = un
- 2 = deux
- 3 = trois
- 4 = quatre
- 5 = cinq
- 6 = six
- 7 = sept
- 8 = huit
- 9 = neuf
- 10 = dix
The numbers from 10 to 20 in French
- 10 = dix
- 11 = onze
- 12 = douze
- 13 = treize
- 14 = quatorze
- 15 = quinze
- 16 = seize
- 17 = dix-sept
- 18 = dix-huit
- 19 = dix-neuf
- 20 = vingt
Numbers from 20 to 69 in French
To write the numbers from 20 to 69 in French, you just add the single number (units) to the tens number.
A hyphen is used to join the two numbers together.
- vingt (20) + deux (2) = vingt-deux (22)
- trente (30) + sept (7) = trente-sept (37)
- quarante (40) + neuf (9) = quarante-neuf (49)
Numbers from 20 to 69 in French
To write the numbers from 20 to 69 in French, you just add the single number (units) to the tens number.
A hyphen is used to join the two numbers together.
- vingt (20) + deux (2) = vingt-deux (22)
- trente (30) + sept (7) = trente-sept (37)
- quarante (40) + neuf (9) = quarante-neuf (49)
Numbers from 70 to 100 in French
The numbers after 69 follow a different rule that what you may be used to.
The number 70 in French is soixante-dix. You will notice that it is a combination of soixante (60) + dix (10)
The rest of the numbers in the 70s follow the same pattern of 60 + a number from 10-19.
- 70 – soixante-dix
- 71 – soixante-onze
- 72 – soixante-douze
- 73 – soixante-treize
- 74 – soixante-quatorze
- 75 – soixante-quinze
- 76 – soixante-seize
- 77 – soixante-dix-sept
- 78 – soixante-dix-huit
- 79 – soixante-dix-neuf (which is literally 60 + 19)
With the numbers in the 80s, quatre-vingt is used which is like saying 4 twenties (in old English Four score was used instead of eighty thanks to this French influence)
- 80 – quatre-vingts (notice vingts ends in an S)
- 81 – quatre-vingt-un (notice vingt does not end in an S)
- 82 – quatre-vingt-deux
- 83 – quatre-vingt-trois
- 84 – quatre-vingt-quatre
- 85 – quatre-vingt-cinq
- 86 – quatre-vingt-six
- 87 – quatre-vingt-sept
- 88 – quatre-vingt-huit
- 89 – quatre-vingt-neuf
The number 90 in French is quatre-vingt-dix. You will notice that it is a combination of quatre-vingt (80) + dix (10)
The rest of the numbers in the 90s follow the same pattern of 80 + a number from 10-19.
- 90 – quatre-vingt-dix
- 91 – quatre-vingt-onze
- 92 – quatre-vingt-douze
- 93 – quatre-vingt-treize
- 94 – quatre-vingt-quatorze
- 95 – quatre-vingt-quinze
- 96 – quatre-vingt-seize
- 97 – quatre-vingt-dix-sept
- 98 – quatre-vingt-dix-huit
- 99 – quatre-vingt-dix-neuf (which is literally 4 x 20 + 19)