Many ways to say thank you merci in french ! so confusing

merci in french

What’s the best way to thank someone in French? This is a very popular question that many of our students often ask. In fact, there are several ways to express your gratitude in French! In this article, we’ll take a look at the different ways to say “thank you” in French and how they differ in a number of situations.

Merci – Thank you

Merci beaucoup – Thank you very much

Merci bien – Thank you very much

Mille fois merci – Thank you a thousand times

Mille mercis – A thousand thanks

Je te remercie – I thank you (casual)

Je vous remercie – I thank you

C’est vraiment gentil de ta part – It’s truly kind of you (casual)

C’est très gentil de votre part – How kind of you

Je vous adresse mes plus vifs remerciements – I send you my deepest thanks

Merci pour votre aide – Thanks for your help

Merci pour ton aide – Thanks for your help. (casual)

Merci d’avance – Thank you in advance

Merci à tous – Thank you all

Je vous remercie de votre attention – I thank you for your attention

Avec tous mes/vos remerciements – With all my/our thanks

Avec soulagement – Thankfully

Avec reconnaissance – Thankfully

Je vous/te remercie pour ce délicieux dîner – I thank you for this delicious dinner meal

Je vous/te remercie pour les fleurs – I thank you for the flowers

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